Meet the Bookstagrammer:@booksandravens

11:42:00 π.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?

I remember I was watching one of my favorite BookTubers and she was having a giveaway for one of her books on Instagram, and I was so disappointed that I had to miss out on it. So shortly afterward I got my bookstagram, and as it would turn out, she was the first one to follow me!
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?

I went through a few, but I love ravens. And I love books. So Books and Ravens was appropriate... it's also the title of my blog so I liked how it went together.
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?

I had SO MANY themes! I'm about to change mine again, hopefully something that I'll love, but we'll see. I've been on bookstagram for a while, so I've more or less figured out my theme style.
  • What or who inspires you? 

             Piéra Forde! Always! She's amazing, and she continues to be my motivation and inspiration. Also just general photography, as that's something I'm also passionate about        
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?

I love how positive it is, and just being able to talk about books whenever is amazing. I've met some really incredible people in the book community, andade some long-time friends too.
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? Does the followers count to you?

Yes and no. I'd like to be recognized for my photography style, and I'd like to have a lot of people seieng my photos and reading my blog...but I care about quality over quantity. I want to be surrounded by people who are supportive and kind and love books like I do!
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?

Yes! I always reply to comments and interact with my followers. I've found a really good friend in Lexi over at @ultimatepageturner, and it's crazy how similar we are. I never would have met her if I'd never gotten a Bookstagram. She's just amazing!
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?

I don't know. Honestly! I just love stories, and also getting lost in my Mind Palace. Books iffer both of these - I don't think my life would be the same without some of my favorite books.
  • Which is your favorite book and why?

Percy Jackson! I read that book when I was ten, and it was the gateway to everything. I started looking for Percy Jackson fan art, and quizzes, and fun things like that, and that's how I found the bookish community. To think that if I hadn't read that book I wouldn't be in this community now is insane! I owe everything to Percy Jackson, and it's still my favorite book of all time. Plus, you know, it's an excellent story ;-)
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!

I don't have much use for book marks - I usually use the dust jacket flap or whatever is on hand. I think I'm the only bookish person who doesn't have an entire stash of bookmarks. Also, I love books that are blue - for whatever reason, they are always so pleasing to me!
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?

An author, of course, and a good one at that. I want to be known in the bookish community, though I know how hard that is. Like Insaid before, I also want to be known for my photography and blog. So... we'll see how that turns out.
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?

No, not really. I mean, I bought books before bookstagram, so I wouldn't say I spend more. Though I do think it was worth it to buy a bunch of props to use ;-)
  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?

Nope. I'm not here to compete, and I'm not here to gain something incredible - so there is no such thing as "giving up". Bookstagram isn't a job - it's something I enjoy!
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?

Nope. Not on Instagram; I have a bit on Twitter, but Twitter is so negative anyway that I just brush it off. But generally speaking, the book community is too nice and supportive for hate comments.
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?

Hmm... definitely make friends. Follow accounts and you like, not just any accounts. Be yourself and experiment. Those are ym key tips for new bookstagrammers ;-)

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