
Η σημασία της ποίησης.

10:30:00 π.μ.

Να διευκρινίσω πως αυτό το άρθρο είναι καθαρά προσωπικό και πως αν και μικρός ο τίτλος διόλου εύκολο δεν είναι η επεξήγησή του. Και αυτό διότι ποτέ δεν θα μπορέσω να καθορίσω τι ακριβώς σημαίνει για εμένα η ποίηση. Τι αντιπροσωπεύει, τι μου θυμίζει και με τι την ταυτίζω. Παρόλα αυτά θα κάνω μία προσπάθεια να παρουσιάσω ό,τι μπορώ.
 Καταρχάς η ποίηση, αποκτά πολλούς ρόλους στη ζωή μου. Όμως πάντα σαν ουσία είναι η ίδια. Μπορεί να είναι φίλη, όταν χρειάζομαι ένα στήριγμα, εχθρός όταν οι λέξεις αποκαλύπτουν, χωρίς να το θέλω, τη συναισθηματική μου γύμνια, απόδειξη ότι αξίζω αυτό που προορίζεται για εμένα αλλά δεν το πιστεύω. Ποίηση είναι μία άλλη πλευρά του εαυτού μου.
 Προσωπικά, ποτέ δεν κατάφερα να αποδώσω στο χαρτί, όπως πρέπει, όλα αυτά που νιώθω. Πάντα κάτι παρέλειπα, κάτι δεν μπορούσα να εκφράσω ή ήμουν τόσο ταραγμένη που απλά εγκατέλειπα την προσπάθεια. Όμως η ποίηση ήταν το κλειδί. Με δύο λέξεις μπορούσα να αποδώσω την κατάσταση στην οποία βρισκόμουν. Ακόμα μπορώ, μια και παρατήρησα ότι έβαλα παρελθοντικό χρόνο. Και αυτό είναι το υπέροχο και συνάμα μυστήριο. Η ομορφιά της ποίησης. Να ολοκληρώνεσαι με δύο λέξεις και όταν το διαβάζει ο άλλος να το λαμβάνει όπως ο ίδιος πιστεύει. Αυτό είναι ένα άλλο κομμάτι.
 Η ανάγνωση από τους άλλους. Νιώθω την υποχρέωση, από τη στιγμή που γράφω ποίηση, να δίνω την ευχαρίστηση στον ανάγνωστη, να λαμβανει τις δύο λέξεις όπως αυτός θέλει. Εγώ μπορεί να γράφω για ευτυχία και αυτός να βλέπει τη δυστυχία. Είναι και αυτή μία άποψη. Διπλή, βέβαια, χαρά για εμένα. Και αυτό διότι η ποίηση ως είδος όχι μόνο προσφέρει ελευθερία σε αυτόν που τη δημιουργεί αλλά και σε αυτόν που τη διαβάζει. Οπότε, αγαπώ να διαβάζουν τα ποιήματα μου για να μάθω πως  εκλαμβάνουν το περιεχόμενο τους. 
 Πολλές φορές όμως, δεν το θέλω, για να είμαι ειλικρινής. Ναι μεν βλέπω το τι νιώθουν αλλά είναι και αναμενόμενο ότι εμμέσως θα ανακαλύψουν κάτι από τη ψυχή μου. Οι δύο λέξεις, που σας έλεγα, επειδή ακριβώς είναι δύο λέξεις, έχουν συμπυκνωμένα όλα τα συναισθήματα μου. Και είμαι σίγουρη πως ο καθένας θα βλέπει ένα κομμάτι των συναισθημάτων μου. Συνήθως μου είναι ανεπιθύμητο. Δεν ξέρω γιατί αν με ρωτήσετε. Ίσως είναι κομματιαυ του εαυτού μου, απαγορευμένα ακόμα και για εμένα.   Ωστόσο υπάρχουν και ποιήματα που κρύβουν αλήθειες, τις οποίες δεν μπορώ να αποκαλύψω πάρα μόνο μέσω αυτών. Αγάπη, πάθος, επιτυχία, αποτυχία, απογοήτευση. Θεωρώ πως ένα ποίημα μου θα μπορούσε να δηλώσει πολλά. Και είμαι τυχερή που έχω αυτόν τον τρόπο για να δείξω τι νιώθω, μια και δεν εκφράζομαι ιδιαίτερα με τον προφορικό λόγο.
 Εν κατακλείδι, η ποίηση είναι ένα τεράστιο μονοπάτι για εμένα. Όχι ένα νομίζω. Ο καθένας ακολουθεί το δικό του και είναι διαφορετικό. Το καθένα έχει τη μαγεία του, τον έρωτα του μα ποτέ τέλος. Ακόμα και με το θάνατο του δημιουργού, η ποίηση του μένει να αιωρείται, ουσιώδης και πλούσια. Και αυτό είναι που αγαπώ. Όχι η δόξα μετά θάνατον από τους άλλους. Αλλά η αίσθηση της ύπαρξης μετά θάνατον.


C.J. Daugherty: Νυχτερινό Σχολείο 4-5

6:43:00 μ.μ.

Επιτέλους τελείωσα αυτή τη σειρά. Πραγματικά είχα φτάσει σε σημείο απλά να διαβάζω για να κλείσω μία και καλή με αυτή. Θα σας πω μερικά λόγια για το τέταρτο και το πέμπτο βιβλίο και αποφάσισα να το κάνω έτσι γιατί δεν έχω και πολλά να γράψω.
Λοιπόν στο τέταρτο βιβλίο αυτό που μου έμεινε είναι η σχέση του Σιλβέν με την Άλι, ο καημένος ο Κάρτερ και η περίεργη κατάσταση της Ρέιτσελ. Και εδώ είναι το σημείο που άλλαξα γνώμη γι' αυτή τη σειρά. Το όλο κλίμα είναι αρκετά αγχωτικό και ίσως λίγο δυσάρεστο. Από τη μία ο Σιλβέν είναι τόσο ερωτευμένος με την Άλι και δίνει μία συναισθηματική νότα στο περιεχόμενο και από την άλλη, η Άλι συνειδητοποιεί ότι δεν είναι σίγουρη αν θέλει να είναι με τον Σιλβέν. Η φιλία της με τη Ρέιτσελ "χαλάει" κάπως και με πολύ περίεργο τρόπο. Ομολογώ ότι έμεινα με μία πικρή γεύση από αυτό το βιβλίο, ακόμα και αν στο τέλος πασχίζει να διορθώσει λίγο τα πράγματα.
 Όσον αφορά το πέμπτο και τελευταίο βιβλίο, ό,τι στοιχείο βελτίωσης υπήρχε, απλά εξαφανίστηκε. Έμεινα απογοητευμένη και με μία αίσθηση....βαρεμάρας. Όλοι ψάχνουν να βρούν τον Κάρτερ και σχεδόν όλο το βιβλίο αφορά αυτό το συμβάν με ενδιάμεσα ασήμαντα γεγονότα για να σπάνε την μονοτονία, που τελικά δεν το καταφέρνουν. Τελικά αποκαλύπτεται τι τρέχει με τη Ρέιτσελ και ομολογώ ότι ούτε το περίμενα αλλά ούτε και μου άρεσε ιδιαίτερα. Είχα άλλα σχέδια γι' αυτόν τον χαρακτήρα. Επίσης ο Σιλβέν δεν άξιζε τέτοιο τέλος. Πραγματικά όταν ένας χαρακτήρας είναι από τους κεντρικούς δεν εξαφανίζεται έτσι απλά από το προσκήνιο. Εν τέλει απλά δεν μου άρεσε ιδιαίτερα, όπως και η γραφή του που ήταν κάπως ''πρώιμη" και θέλει δουλειά.

Λίγα λόγια:
Αφού πέρασε μήνες σε κρησφύγετα μακριά από την Κιμμέρια Ακαδημία, η Άλι επιστρέφει και βρίσκει το σχολείο σε μεγάλη αναταραχή. Η ατμόσφαιρα μυρίζει μπαρούτι. Η σκιά του Ναθάνιελ, που βρίσκεται πολύ κοντά στο ν’ αποκτήσει ό,τι θέλει, πέφτει βαριά παντού γύρω της. Ένας μυστικός εμφύλιος πόλεμος διχάζει την κοινωνικοπολιτική ελίτ της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας και η οικογένεια της Άλι παίζει ρόλο-κλειδί στις εξελίξεις. Και οι δύο πλευρές θέλουν την Άλι με το μέρος τους κι ο Ναθάνιελ θα χρησιμοποιήσει κάθε θεμιτό και αθέμιτο μέσο για να τα καταφέρει. Αλλά εκείνη είναι αποφασισμένη να τον πολεμήσει μέχρι τελικής πτώσεως. Οι φίλοι της είναι έτοιμοι να σταθούν στο πλευρό της – ακόμα και να χάσουν τη ζωή τους για χάρη της. Μόνο που, αν τους συμβεί κάτι, η Άλι δε θα το αντέξει.

Η αντίσταση αρχίζει εδώ. Τα πάντα διακυβεύονται. Ο νικητής τα παίρνει όλα…

"Οι μαχητές της Κιμμέριας Ακαδημίας έχουν χάσει την αρχηγό τους και η τύχη του Κάρτερ Ουέστ αγνοείται. Όμως, έχει νικήσει πράγματι ο Ναθάνιελ; Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα που να μπορεί να τον σταματήσει; Η Άλι και οι σύντροφοί της έχασαν κάποια σημαντικά πιόνια στη θανάσιμη αυτή παρτίδα, ωστόσο υπάρχει τρόπος να ανακάμψουν και να σχεδιάσουν την εκδίκησή τους…
Διακυβεύονται πολλά σε αυτή την ιστορία. 
Τα πιόνια έχουν στηθεί για την τελική αναμέτρηση.
Ο χρόνος έχει τελειώσει.
Το φινάλε πλησιάζει.
Είναι πια ζήτημα ζωής και θανάτου."

Του "σήμερα''

Meet the Bookstagrammer: @thegirl.withthebook

6:03:00 μ.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?

I created a simple insta account with no intension to upload any pic. But l started following other bookstagrammers and l thought to make my own bookstagram account.
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?

There is a book "The girl with the dragon tattoo" by Stieg Larsson which gave me the primary idea.
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?

There was no theme. Just books and books and books. The theme came a year later.
  • What or who inspires you?  

 Autumn, autumn vibes and colors.                   
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?

My love for books.
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? Does the followers count to you?

To say the truth, l' d like to be a big account. More ppl to interact, more discussions about books!
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?

There is a lot of interaction with my followers and too many new "booksta"friends. Of course l like it, this is the point of my account.
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?

Hmmm... It sounds like an easy question, but it's not. Well, reading is my escape plan. And definitely l like traveling into literally worlds.
  • Which is your favorite book and why?

Oh there are too many, but let me reveal you my fav book for January. It was "A man called Ove" by Fredrik Backman.
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!

Ok, don't laugh.. I can spend 5 whole mins smelling a new book. Also l hate the ppl who muss the pages of a book.
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?

I' d really really love to review some new books!
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?

Someone could say l spend a fortune for books! But no, l wouldn't say l spend more money because of my bookstagram account. I buy loads of books as usually.
  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?

Well, sometimes yes. It's because of no time..
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?

That has never happened. Np if it will, nobody' s perfect. And definitely no obligation to follow accounts you don't like, right?
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?

To create his own pics, to let his imagination free, to introduce his soul through the books.


Meet the Bookstagrammer:@theshelvedlifeblog

11:42:00 π.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?

I have always been an avid reader, and when I kept stumbling upon beautiful photos of the same books I loved, I decided to take a leap and create my own bookstagram page. I love connecting with book readers all over the globe, making new friends and finding new books to read.
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?

I have a blog called ‘the shelved life’ where I discuss all things book-related, and a little bit of my personal life.
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?

I’m still working my theme out right now! I love a stark-white background and simple bookish things so the focus of the shot IS the book. I find right now i’m kind of all over the place color-wise and getting into my groove. I like a variety of shots to keep your eye moving through the profile feed.
  • What or who inspires you?  

     I adore @ohthebookfeels, @foldedpagesdistillery and @bookishbronte - they all have very unique, strong styles to their bookstagram feeds. I love knowing that there’s room in the Instagram world to be who you are, share what you love, and people support you. Seeing all the different ways bookstagrammers can showcase the same book? That’s incredible.               
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?

I joined this community to share my love of reading, and found so many people like me that it’s overwhelming at times. But amazing too. The support throughout the bookstagram community is wonderful.
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? Does the followers count to you?

I would be lying if I didn’t say I wanted more followers - only because I want others to love the same books I do!! I’m a small account still, and steadily growing which does make me happy. However at the end of the day that’s not really what matters. I love the friendships more than the amount of followers.
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?

Yes I do! To all of the above. I have made some pretty fun acquaintances and a few awesome friends - some of which are across the country where I live! I love connecting with people where they are in life.
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?

I LOVE books. I have loved them since childhood. I can tell you that Anne was my childhood book heroine - she was so strong in the face of uncertainty. We faced a few of the same issues in life and I found that authors have a unique way of connecting with their readers’ souls. When a book makes me cry or laugh out loud, the author has done their job well.
  • Which is your favorite book and why?

My favorite book will always be Anne of Green Gables. L.M. Montgomery touches on subjects that a lot of children face. Abandonment, trust, and friendship are some of the key issues she tackles in this book, and Anne comes through them all with dignity and hope. Even when she could have become bitter at what life handed her.
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!

1. I often judge a book by its cover - let’s face it, if the cover isn’t eye-catching I probably will pass it up unless recommended by a friend. 2. I almost cried when I broke the spine of my 10th Anniversary Edition of City of Bones. I couldn’t bear to pull apart the gold-leafed edges.
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?

I am going to school in the Fall for my degree in English- Creative Writing. I hope to be a successful, published author one day!!!
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?

If you’re talking about promoting your page through Instagram, I have not. If you’re asking whether I purchase props and such, then yes, but minimally. It’s always fun to have a few things on hand but not get too carried away.
  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?

Sometimes when I feel pressured to post more than I can, or just post a shot even though it’s not what I imagined. In those times I get more frustrated at myself. I have to remember that what works for my life doesn’t always work for everyone else. But to not give up doing what I love even if the frequency isn’t what I expect.
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?

I haven’t received negative feedback yet - but I’m sure I will some day. That’s just inevitable. Not everyone will like me or what I post and that’s okay. That’s just part of life.
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?

Enjoy it!!! Don’t feel pressured to be like another bookstagrammer. You don’t have to have a trunk-full of props to make a great shot. Focus on what you love about the book and make that your focus. And when in doubt? You CAN change things up. Bookstagrammers change their themes all the time. Find one that makes you happy, and have fun making friends! The community is supportive, so don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and comments!!

Του "σήμερα''

Meet the Bookstagrammer:@crazytourists_books

11:42:00 π.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?

I have been an instagramer for the past couple of years and lately I 've been thinking about making an account just for books. So a few days ago I joined the bookstagram community!
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?

I have been a (amateur) blogger since 2007 with the name crazytourists so naturally when I joined instagram I used that name, and for my bookstagram account I wanted a name that would relate to my blog. So the name crazytourists_books was the perfect choice
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?

It was just a photo. I had some beautiful daffodils and I wanted to take a photo of the books I read in January.
  • What or who inspires you? 

       Nature, flowers, my kids, food...               
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?

It is always nice to belong to a group of people that share your passions and loves. Books, baking, knitting... Whatever those are. Plus, you get pretty good ideas about what to read next.
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? Does the followers count to you?

I haven't really though about that. I wouldn't say no to lots of followers I guess, but I prefer them to be people that my photos and readings speak to.
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?

I love interacting with others and I have made some friends through instagram. For me there is no point in just posting and never comment or like other posts.
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?

That's a hard question. It's like asking me why I love my kids. I just do. I love the smell of books, I love the feeling of the paper, the stories. Reading is like traveling. And I love to travel.
  • Which is your favorite book and why?

Pfff... That's even tougher to answer. I love lots of books, some of them by greek authors (like Karagatsis), some of them classics, some contemporary. One of the books that I read in 2017 and really earned a spot in my all time favorites list, was Confiteor. I got lost in its pages, I became part of the story. And that is precious for me.
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!

I don't know if they are funny but 1. I can't quit reading a book even if I hate it. Seriously! In a few days I'll be 35 years old and I' ve only quit on 4 books (with extreme guilt) 2. I never, ever, ever, ever lent my books. If younwant to read my book, you should live under my roof until you finish it!
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?

My biggest dream? I don't know. Having people tell me the read a book I recommended that stole their heart. I don't have any big plans, I just want to have fun
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?

I don't plan to spend any money on it...
  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?

I haven't. I 'm a new bookstagrammer, I am still excited!
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?

I never had a negative comment/message on instagram. I don' t know how I would react, it depends on the comment. Is it polite? Personal?....
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?

I am in no position to give advice. If I had to say something, it would be "have fun and be true". That's what I try to do and that's what I look for un other accounts.

Του "σήμερα''

Meet the Bookstagrammer:@booksandravens

11:42:00 π.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?

I remember I was watching one of my favorite BookTubers and she was having a giveaway for one of her books on Instagram, and I was so disappointed that I had to miss out on it. So shortly afterward I got my bookstagram, and as it would turn out, she was the first one to follow me!
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?

I went through a few, but I love ravens. And I love books. So Books and Ravens was appropriate... it's also the title of my blog so I liked how it went together.
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?

I had SO MANY themes! I'm about to change mine again, hopefully something that I'll love, but we'll see. I've been on bookstagram for a while, so I've more or less figured out my theme style.
  • What or who inspires you? 

             Piéra Forde! Always! She's amazing, and she continues to be my motivation and inspiration. Also just general photography, as that's something I'm also passionate about        
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?

I love how positive it is, and just being able to talk about books whenever is amazing. I've met some really incredible people in the book community, andade some long-time friends too.
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? Does the followers count to you?

Yes and no. I'd like to be recognized for my photography style, and I'd like to have a lot of people seieng my photos and reading my blog...but I care about quality over quantity. I want to be surrounded by people who are supportive and kind and love books like I do!
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?

Yes! I always reply to comments and interact with my followers. I've found a really good friend in Lexi over at @ultimatepageturner, and it's crazy how similar we are. I never would have met her if I'd never gotten a Bookstagram. She's just amazing!
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?

I don't know. Honestly! I just love stories, and also getting lost in my Mind Palace. Books iffer both of these - I don't think my life would be the same without some of my favorite books.
  • Which is your favorite book and why?

Percy Jackson! I read that book when I was ten, and it was the gateway to everything. I started looking for Percy Jackson fan art, and quizzes, and fun things like that, and that's how I found the bookish community. To think that if I hadn't read that book I wouldn't be in this community now is insane! I owe everything to Percy Jackson, and it's still my favorite book of all time. Plus, you know, it's an excellent story ;-)
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!

I don't have much use for book marks - I usually use the dust jacket flap or whatever is on hand. I think I'm the only bookish person who doesn't have an entire stash of bookmarks. Also, I love books that are blue - for whatever reason, they are always so pleasing to me!
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?

An author, of course, and a good one at that. I want to be known in the bookish community, though I know how hard that is. Like Insaid before, I also want to be known for my photography and blog. So... we'll see how that turns out.
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?

No, not really. I mean, I bought books before bookstagram, so I wouldn't say I spend more. Though I do think it was worth it to buy a bunch of props to use ;-)
  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?

Nope. I'm not here to compete, and I'm not here to gain something incredible - so there is no such thing as "giving up". Bookstagram isn't a job - it's something I enjoy!
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?

Nope. Not on Instagram; I have a bit on Twitter, but Twitter is so negative anyway that I just brush it off. But generally speaking, the book community is too nice and supportive for hate comments.
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?

Hmm... definitely make friends. Follow accounts and you like, not just any accounts. Be yourself and experiment. Those are ym key tips for new bookstagrammers ;-)

Του "σήμερα''

Meet the Bookstagrammer:@readmatic.book.blog

3:42:00 μ.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?

I started my book blog first, and as I was following other booktubers and book bloggers, I was following their bookstagram accounts too. For many months, I didn't take any part in the bookstagram community. But I soon realized how much closer you feel to other book worms through it, even though you're miles apart! I love the bookstagram community and it means a lot to me. Making an account and being a part of such wonderful people is probably the best thing I've done so far!
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?

My bookstagram name is the same as my blog name! But it took me months to choose one I really like and thought was unique and different! Honestly speaking, I had some help from a friend and the credit for "ReadMatic" goes to her. I am so bad with names!
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?

I am still using the theme I started out with. I never really used any editing tools before bookstagram, so I really didn't know what I was doing. It took me a while to find something that I really like, and thought represents me and my blog.
  • What or who inspires you? 

 Honestly, my love for reading and connecting with other readers. I didn't have many people to talk or gush about books before bookstagram. And seeing all the other bookworms and the joy I feel seeing their work and accomplishments really motivates me to keep doing what I love so much.                    
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?

As I mentioned before, I really love connecting with other readers. I don't think anything brings two people closer than their shared love for fictional characters and in a fictional world. Because, honestly, no one gets a bookworm and their obsession like another bookworm. Not to mention, this community is so much more like a family! So being part of it is a no brainer.
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? Does the followers count to you?

To be completely honest, I take my bookstagram account day by day, so I haven't thought of being big or small. Followers count to the extent of how much I interact and how much feedback I am getting for my content. I don't want followers just for the sake of having a 4 or 5 digit number on my Instagram profile.
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?

I try to interact as much as I can, and I have made some wonderful friends! I love exchanging ideas and thoughts of books.
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?

I think books are much closer than any human being can ever be. At least, that's how I feel. I've been reading ever since I was a kid and I've inherited my love for reading from my father.
  • Which is your favorite book and why?

Can you really choose one favourite book? My recent favourite book that I've read is Midnight Blue. I just read it last month.
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!

1. I don't dog ear, annotate, or break the spines of my books. I really try to keep my books as pristine as possible. 2. I started reading when I was just 6/7 years.
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?

Reach out and collaborate with more readers and authors. Also, I would really like to be a rep for any bookish company!
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?

Till now, I haven't really spent any money for bookstagram.
  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?

Nope. Never. I love it too much.
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?

Thankfully, I haven't!
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?

Even if its tempting, do not try to copy others and get demotivated by their skills and follower count. Do what best represents you, and do it because YOU love it. Also, you really do not need to break the bank for Instagram props and a DSLR camera. You don't need it. Use whatever you have around the house and try improvise with it. I use my phone camera to take the pictures.

Του "σήμερα''

Meet the Bookstagrammer: @jaetennay

3:41:00 μ.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?
 Actually both, I started my account for bookstagram but I can’t post anything related to it, so it takes a long time for me to post something bookish.
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?
 It’s a combination of three people names that I love
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?
        It’s just an ordinary photo. I ask my dad to get me some coffee beans and I spread it randomly, then adding some artwork, and anything else and tada~ my first photo :)
  • What or who inspires you?  
               no one I guess?? 🤔🤔 but if there must be a person, then it must be my friend that starting bookstagram earlier than me, her account name is hunmiles
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?
        I have no specific reason at first, but when I come deeper to this community, I fell in love 😊
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? 
         I don’t bother to be both, but it’s nice to be in the middle 😂 any followers count to me because, in my thoughts, they appreciate my hard work on taking photos.
  • Does the followers count to you?
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?
       I made some friends!! it’s getting more exiting when I meet(chat actually) someone from the other country 💕 beside, chatting with them can improve my english (cause english is not my first language)
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?
      I love books with a romantic tension in it, any fantasy books with romantic tension is my favorite I think 🤔
  • Which is your favorite book and why?
         i love books because of the beautiful cover, and interesting story inside it 😭 i can’t decide what book means to me 😳
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!
1) I am a very, very slow reader I guess 2) I can’t see a damaged book. and it gets even worse when I saw the process :) I can cry if it’s my book 😂
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?
        make a proper review and get a lot of love from that 😊
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?
                                  No, I don’t.

  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?
        yess 😂 i think my feed is not as good as other bookstagramers, and i want to quit because of that.
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?
  I don’t think so 🤔
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?
  just go on, don’t quit, and you’ll find a lot more interesting things in this community

Του "σήμερα''

Meet the Bookstagrammer:@michael_lux

3:30:00 μ.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?

       I didn't start as a bookstagrammer but at some point I started posting pics of the books I was reading and the response was great so I found out this amazing community!
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?

         Simple, it is just my name suffixed by the Latin word for light, lux.
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?

       No, I am not into themes, I just post photos I like and of things I want to share with others.
  • What or who inspires you?  

                 The amazing community and instagram friends.
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?

         I find out about books, share thoughts and get to know great people some of them I've actually met.
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? Does the followers count to you?

        I've never cared about the number of followers, so big or small don't mean much to me. I love it when people I respect and admire follow me and I try to post quality content.
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?

       Yes, I do. I always comment on interesting posts and react to stories. This way I 've made many friends, some of them I've met in real life.
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?

       I don't know the answer because reading has always been an integral part of me. I can't imagine myself without books.
  • Which is your favorite book and why?

         I am notoriously indecisive so I will not answer this one!
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!

         I get sentimental when I read about great moments of history and I've me my wife over a book discussion.
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?

         I want to inspire people to read books and my dream would be to be a "pro" bookstagrammer.
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?

         I spend too much on books so I haven't thought of it. But I am always for content over appearances.
  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?

         Not yet!
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?

       Not really but I respect criticism. Of course hate messages will be met with my utter contempt.
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?
Instagram is full of accounts that just herd followers. Don't be one! Just be yourshelf, don't post just aesthetics or giveaways, discuss books with others  in comments. Basically aim for few but high quality followers who truly engage with you.

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