Meet the

3:42:00 μ.μ.

  • How did you start bookstagram? It was the reason you made your account or not?

I started my book blog first, and as I was following other booktubers and book bloggers, I was following their bookstagram accounts too. For many months, I didn't take any part in the bookstagram community. But I soon realized how much closer you feel to other book worms through it, even though you're miles apart! I love the bookstagram community and it means a lot to me. Making an account and being a part of such wonderful people is probably the best thing I've done so far!
  • How did you come up with your bookstagram name?

My bookstagram name is the same as my blog name! But it took me months to choose one I really like and thought was unique and different! Honestly speaking, I had some help from a friend and the credit for "ReadMatic" goes to her. I am so bad with names!
  • How did you cοme up with your first theme?It was a spesific theme or just photos and why?

I am still using the theme I started out with. I never really used any editing tools before bookstagram, so I really didn't know what I was doing. It took me a while to find something that I really like, and thought represents me and my blog.
  • What or who inspires you? 

 Honestly, my love for reading and connecting with other readers. I didn't have many people to talk or gush about books before bookstagram. And seeing all the other bookworms and the joy I feel seeing their work and accomplishments really motivates me to keep doing what I love so much.                    
  • Which is the reason you have been part of this community?

As I mentioned before, I really love connecting with other readers. I don't think anything brings two people closer than their shared love for fictional characters and in a fictional world. Because, honestly, no one gets a bookworm and their obsession like another bookworm. Not to mention, this community is so much more like a family! So being part of it is a no brainer.
  • Do you want to be a "big" account or "small" and why? Does the followers count to you?

To be completely honest, I take my bookstagram account day by day, so I haven't thought of being big or small. Followers count to the extent of how much I interact and how much feedback I am getting for my content. I don't want followers just for the sake of having a 4 or 5 digit number on my Instagram profile.
  • Do you interact with your followers and have you made friends? If so do you like this and why?

I try to interact as much as I can, and I have made some wonderful friends! I love exchanging ideas and thoughts of books.
  • Why do you love books? What do they mean to you?

I think books are much closer than any human being can ever be. At least, that's how I feel. I've been reading ever since I was a kid and I've inherited my love for reading from my father.
  • Which is your favorite book and why?

Can you really choose one favourite book? My recent favourite book that I've read is Midnight Blue. I just read it last month.
  • Tell me two bookish fun facts about you!

1. I don't dog ear, annotate, or break the spines of my books. I really try to keep my books as pristine as possible. 2. I started reading when I was just 6/7 years.
  • Which is you favorite photo of your feed? (Upload it)

  • Tell me your biggest dream of being a part of bookstagram? Which the most exciting thing you wanna do/be?

Reach out and collaborate with more readers and authors. Also, I would really like to be a rep for any bookish company!
  • Do you spend more money for your bookstagram or not? Do you think it worths?

Till now, I haven't really spent any money for bookstagram.
  • Have you ever thought of giving up and why?

Nope. Never. I love it too much.
  • Have you received negative comments/messages about you or your feed and how do you act?

Thankfully, I haven't!
  • Lastly, what would you advice someone who starts bookstagram?

Even if its tempting, do not try to copy others and get demotivated by their skills and follower count. Do what best represents you, and do it because YOU love it. Also, you really do not need to break the bank for Instagram props and a DSLR camera. You don't need it. Use whatever you have around the house and try improvise with it. I use my phone camera to take the pictures.

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